Feu D'artifice
Displayed at the Guggenheim Museum, NY in 2014
Experience Designer - 2011
Feu D'Artifice, is a digital reimagining of Giacomo Balla's Feu D'artifice piece. Originally designed by Balla in the early 1910s as a ballet of lights, it was meant to be performed with a monumental set design, dynamic lighting and no actors.
The original piece could never realize its full potential, due mostly to the technological limitations of the early 1900s. We have taken advantage of the tools available to us in the digital era to bring Balla's vision to life. The clip below shows a short preview of the animation:
To create the digital piece, we reconstructed Balla's original design to scale in 3D. Then, with Franco Sciannameo's direction, we choreographed the scene's lighting to a musical piece by Igor Stravinsky. This piece was originally composed by Stravinsky to be used in the ballet of lights.